Marco Pringle dot com

The Gang

Welcome to my online home. More of a hovel or squat, really.

A tiny bit about me: I'm married to an amazing woman and have a lovely daughter who takes up most of my attention. I'm an avid cyclist and outdoorsman. I sometimes like to take photos. I volunteer for the local campus and community radio station and have a little radio show as well. I've been known to DJ in the clubs and even a few weddings, though I'm mostly retired from that now. I pay the bills as a web developer. I currently work at SMART Technologies. I've developed or helped develop sites for Clorox, AT&T, Nissan USA,  Calgary Corporate Challenge, the Calgary Marathon, Avenue Calgary, to name but a few. Find out more on Linkedin, if you're so inclined. I probably spend too much time on instagram and slightley less on Facebook, while I'm still trying to find a value proposition for Twitter. Since I keep pretty busy, a more elaborate site is likely not coming that soon — cobbler's children have no shoes...

Drop me a line if you'd like.